our expertise
Insolvency Law
As an entrepreneur, you are also just a creditor, and it is not always guaranteed that you will be paid. Then the word ‘entrepreneur’ suddenly sounds a lot less attractive. In that context, you may be faced with insolvency.
Insolvency is about bankruptcy, but it is also about how to avoid bankruptcy. For example, we as specialists are often appointed by the court as a receiver in bankruptcies and as an administrator in suspensions of payment.
We can then deploy this expertise for your business. We are aware of your rights as a creditor and we know whether and how a claim can be recovered even from directors, members of the supervisory board or others.
Directors’ liability
Directors’ liability deserves extra attention in our specialist field. Directors are often not aware that they can be held responsible for decisions made in the past, for example. In the event of bankruptcy, there is the possibility that you as a director, a member of the supervisory board or a shareholder will be held liable and even held personally responsible. We advise you as a director about the risks that can arise and, where necessary, we assist you during any proceedings.
CERTA advises and guides:
Companies in distress
Creditors' agreement
WHOA (Dutch Scheme of Arrangement)
Advice on relaunch
Creditors in bankruptcy
Directors' liability
(Turbo) liquidation/settlement of the company
Financing and Securities
Call us, e-mail us or drop by if you want to be well-prepared.
we are ready for you
Our expertise team

Bas Samaras
Cedric de Breet

Dorette Rodermond
Ernst-Paul Pandelitschka
Floor Lintjens